Come vedere chi mette mi piace su spotify

This subreddit is mainly for sharing Spotify playlists. Questions? Check out our wiki first. You must have a combined karma of 40, & your Reddit account must be at least 30 days old to post. This is to prevent spam & is strictly enforced. We're not a support community, and we encourage users to use official support channels for most issues. Posts that are not playlists, ask for support, are low effort, duplicate topics, may be removed.

Gufosaggio > C > Come Vedere A Chi Piace La Playlist Spotify?

Per ottenere questa informazione, devi semplicemente premere sull'icona La tua libreria presente in basso a destra e selezionare la voce Playlist nella pagina che compare a schermo. Dopodiché, devi selezionare l'icona della playlist e, nella schermata successiva, e a metà pagina, troverai il numero dei follower.

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Come si fa ad accedere alla playlist?

Per visualizzare tutte le tue playlist, vai alla scheda Raccolta . Puoi anche gestire le tue playlist in YouTube Studio. Se un video o il pubblico del canale è "destinato ai bambini" e ti trovi su una home page, non potrai aggiungere il video in questione a una playlist. Chi ha venduto più dischi nella storia della musica? i BEATLES Al 1° posto i BEATLES I Beatles praticamente detengono ogni tipo di record di vendita, negli Stati Uniti, in Gran Bretagna e in tutto il mondo.

Qual è la canzone italiana più bella in assoluto?

Le 50 canzoni italiane più belle di sempre. O no? Impressioni di settembre - PFM. La cura - Franco Battiato. Il testamento di Tito - Fabrizio De Andrè Emozioni - Lucio Battisti. Sally - Vasco Rossi. Acqua e sale - Mina & Celentano. La storia siamo noi - Francesco De Gregori. Almeno tu nell'universo - Mia Martini. Qual è la canzone più famosa di sempre? Prime 40 posizioni Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan (1965) (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Rolling Stones (1965) Imagine - John Lennon (1971) What's Going On - Marvin Gaye (1971) Respect - Aretha Franklin (1967) Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys (1966) Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry (1958) Hey Jude - The Beatles (1968)

La gente chiede anche:, qual è la più bella canzone di sempre?

In cima alla classifica si attesta appunto la versione arrangiata nel 1967 da Aretha Franklin appunto di Respect (in realtà scritta da Otis Redding due anni prima) rispolverato in anni recenti quando è diventato l'inno del movimento #MeToo.

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A guide detailing workarounds for how you can see who follows your Spotify playlist

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As you may have noticed, it's not possible to see which users follow a Spotify playlist. Although such a feature is often requested by Spotify users, a 2019 status update from Spotify's development team confirms there are no plans for implementation.[1] While this may be frustrating, there are still some things you can do to gauge your playlist and profile's popularity on Spotify when you're using an Android.

  1. Come vedere chi mette mi piace su spotify

    You can still see who follows your Spotify profile. Although this won't tell you whether someone follows a particular playlist of yours, it can still be helpful to gauge who's following you. Plus, if someone follows your profile, there's a chance they are also following one or more of your playlists. To open your profile in the Spotify app, tap the Home tab, tap the gear at the top, and then tap your name. Then, tap the number of followers at the top to view your entire follower list.

    • You can tap a follower's name to check out their profile, which can give you an idea of what type of music they enjoy. You can also see that user's own public playlists, as well as any playlists by others they follow that they've marked as public. Which brings us to…

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  1. Come vedere chi mette mi piace su spotify

    You might be able to see which playlists a certain person follows. Might is the key word here. Once upon a time, Spotify publicly displayed every new playlist its users followed on their profiles. But now, when someone follows a playlist, that information stays private unless the user manually marks the playlist as public. If you're trying to figure out if a certain Spotify user is following your playlist, open that person's profile and tap Playlists at the top. Browse the list to see if your playlist is among those that user follows publicly.

    • Keep in mind that even if you don't see your playlist on this user's profile, they may still be following it and just haven't marked it as public.

  1. Come vedere chi mette mi piace su spotify

    You can vote to bring the feature to Spotify. One cool thing about Spotify's online community is that members can suggest new Spotify features on the forum. Other users can vote on whether they'd like to see these features implemented, and Spotify's development team takes notice. The follower list feature was first suggested as an idea back in 2013, but people are still casting their votes for its comeback in 2021.[2] Spotify developers have marked the idea as something they don't want to implement right now, but that doesn't mean they won't bring it back in the future. To cast your vote, visit and click +Vote.

    • If you aren't already a registered member of the Spotify Community, you'll be asked to sign in with your Spotify account to complete your vote.

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  • When you use the Spotify app on your computer, you can see what the people you follow are listening to in real time. If someone is listening to one of your playlists, its name will appear below that person's name in the right sidebar.

  • Share your Spotify playlists on your favorite social media platforms to attract more followers.

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Article SummaryX

Although there is no way to view a list of people who follow your Spotify playlists, you may be able to see a user's followed playlists on their personal profiles. If a Spotify user has followed your playlist and marked it as public, your playlist will appear in the "Playlists" section of that user's profile.

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apri l'app Spotify dallo smartphone;.
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ora vedrai il numero di followers della tua playlist..

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Apri il menu in alto a sinistra (•••), scegli Modifica e fai click su Preferenze…;.
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Chi fa le playlist di Spotify?

Esistono tre tipi di playlist: quelle create dagli utenti, quelle create dai team di curatori Spotify e quelle create dagli algoritmi di Spotify.

Come si cercano le persone su Spotify?

Sapete come cercare un utente #Spotify per seguire le sue playlist e il suo profilo? Digitate "spotify:user:" e il nome dell'utente nella barra di testo in alto a sinistra! Buona navigazione!